ACT 30 Resources
Civics Resources
Act 31 Resources Beginning in 1989 Act 31 was passed in the Wisconsin Legislature. Each school district is responsible for the following: §115.28(17)(d), Wis Stats. General duties. The state superintendent shall: (17) AMERICAN INDIAN LANGUAGE AND CULTURE EDUCATION. (d) Develop a curriculum for grades 4 to 12 on the Chippewa Indians' treaty-based, off-reservation rights to hunt, fish and gather. §118.01(2)(c)(7.and 8.), Wis Stats. Educational goals and expectations. (2) EDUCATIONAL GOALS. . .each school board shall provide an instructional program designed to give pupils: (a) Academic skills and knowledge. Since the development of academic skills and knowledge is the most important goal for schools, each school board shall provide an instructional program designed to give pupils: (c) Citizenship. Each school board shall provide an instructional program designed to give pupils: 1. An understanding of the basic workings of all levels of government, including the duties and responsibilities of citizenship. 2. A commitment to the basic values of our government, including by appropriate instruction and ceremony the proper reverence and respect for and the history and meaning of the American flag, the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. constitution and the constitution and laws of this state. 3. The skills to participate in political life. 4. An understanding of the function of organizations in society. 5. Knowledge of the role and importance of biological and physical resources. 6. Knowledge of state, national and world history. 7. An appreciation and understanding of different value systems and cultures. 8. At all grade levels, an understanding of human relations, particularly with regard to American Indians, Black Americans and Hispanics. American Indian Studies American Indian Studies Resources Wisconsin DPI Resources Related to American Indian Education |
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Resource Library
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American History
Retro Report
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American History
Retro Report
The Bill of Right Institute
Wisconsin Elections Commission Curriculum
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